In recent years, the design and specification of passive fire solutions have become increasingly complex due to the vast number of service penetrations, fire-rated doorsets, windows, ducts, and dampers being tested and installed in various fire-rated wall and floor substrates, as well as the multitude of solutions available from various suppliers.
As a result, specialized expertise and extensive knowledge of available systems have become an essential requirement for the successful implementation of passive fire scopes in projects.
Every construction project may encounter unexpected challenges with Passive Fire installations, requiring in-depth expertise. We can provide advice on project-specific applications that are compliant, cost-effective, and fit-for-purpose solutions, even for very complex scenarios.
Among the potential problems that one may encounter are
Consequently, the design and specification of passive fire systems require specialized knowledge and expertise, which we can offer.
This advice can be provided as a consultation or formal opinion/assessment, with references to relevant standards, fire reports, and compliance documents.